Veterans and Friends Inc. - Help us help those in need!

Bill's Bunker - Very Cool Vietnam Veterans site.

Great site to listen to Viet Nam Era Music

Lake View Cemetery
One of my favorite places to spend hours of my time that I don't consider wasted.

Visit Key Largo, hosted by Aqualung and myself, Kitty. Meet the world! Telnet to, port 3000. This place is our own little metaverse, home in cyberspace.
  Gmud telnet client to use with windows. Tinyfugue is great for linux users. I already put the settings in for Key Largo. Come visit us soon. (No longer in operation)

I have to mention EOL, End of The Line. This was where my good friend Jubal E. Harshaw, first introduced me to talkers. I think he and I both are very grateful for making each other's acquaintance. And I will never forget End of the Line or the dear friends it brought me.

Neal Stephenson's "QuickSilver"

BOFH Rocks!! - If you are not familiar with the BOFH, you gotta check this out. If you are, then you already know why I say 'BOFH Rocks' and why you gotta visit this site!!

What do you get when you put three techs, two salespeople, a designer, two executives and a couple of administrative staff together in an office? Answer: Columbia Internet, the            friendliest, hardest-working and most neurotic little Internet Service Provider in the world. Throw in a mischievous Artificial Intelligence and a naive but curious Dust Puppy, and you have the makings of  USER FRIENDLY , the chronicle of a group of well-meaning but misguided Internet workers.

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